Tuesday, July 11, 2017

We've Moved!

Thanks to all you guys who've followed us in our journey. We've changed up our site a bit, and you can now find us at craftingconundrums.weebly.com Remember to also follow us on instagram @craftingconundrums. Other exciting news is that we might be starting an youtube!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

A Collection Of Spring/Summer DIY Room Refreshers (Quite Literally)

Yesterday was a day that truly makes me qualify as a "craftoholic." So, Here are some cheap, easy, DIY's. Enjoy.

Craft Number 1:
Dollar Store Scent Beads In Style
(This isn't really a DIY, so sorry..)

These beads came in a variety of scents and colors and were only a dollar!
So, I added them to vases around the room, and now it smells heavenly in there. 

Craft Number Two:
DIY Necklace Holder 
(This DIY is super adaptable for your own ideas...)

I simply tied a piece of tulle on top of two rods (so it wouldn't slip down) 
Then added the necklace by clasping it over. The tulle makes it so you could also hang earrings.

Craft Number Three:
Easy Duct Tape Ring
All you do for this one is put two small pieces of duct tape together- one slight shorter than the other, then wrap it around your finger and fasten the pieces together. Super Simple.

Craft Number 4:
Updated container
this one is quite self explanatory. I took the container the scented beads 
were in, then painted it and placed duct tape around the rim. Dress it up!

Monday, April 24, 2017

DIY Washi Tape Banner

Believe it or not, there is an easy, cheap, adorable, banner you can make in only minutes. All you need is some washi tape and string.

Begin by rolling out how much string you want. Make it as big or small as you want. 
Next, cut a strip of washi tape. Depending how long you want your banners to be....
Fold over the tape on the string.
After you have covered the entire string (I placed them about 3 inches apart each) then cut the bottom into a triangle shape.
Sorry for the bad quality picture-

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

One Girls Trash is Anothers... Nightstand???

Lately I've been trying to revamp my room, in the cheapest and easiest way possible. You always see those youtube videos that are like "cheap and easy diy room makeover" and then they literally cost $500. So... I wanted some double nightstands, but I didn't want to spend money. Overall, I spent $2. And if you try, you don't necessarily have to spend any money. So here we go. DIY Nightstands. Made out of boxes.

I started by cutting in half a long box I had- you can just use two small boxes.

I secured it a bit more with some extra masking tape, and got my rolls of wrapping paper. Then, I wrapped it like a present. Though seriously. That is all I did. Except, on the bottom (because I had cut it in half) I just folded the paper over.

Bam! So easy! Enjoy!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Chalkboard Vases

These painted vases are so pretty and simple- enjoy!

 This chalkboard paint was at Walmart for around $8.00

I used masking tape to define the lines and removed it once dry. Try dabbing the paint on with the end of your sponge brush for best results.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Easy Pencil Case

I recently created a very easy awesome pencil case. It is so easy! For supplies you need:
One Rectangle of Felt (At any craft store, for like 20 cents)
A sewing machine
Velcro or ribbon, or nothing...
Step One: Fold the rectangle over on itself.
Step Two: Start sewing even lines, all the way to the end.
Step Three: Put a pencil in to make sure it fits. (You should probably do this earlier...)
Step Four: Fill the case with pencils and take a square of Velcro, to see where to sew it.
Then, sew one around there- or wherever it works, and one on the inside on the edge. Enjoy your new pencil case!

Old to New

I have always hated my room, and finally I repainted my hideous desk... So my room is slowly improving. I used 3 cans of paint, and it was super fun!!!

I'll try and post a pick of before, and also after everything is back to normal. You should totally try it!!